How To

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This page provides detailed instructions and essential information about, covering everything from platform features to investment details and user account management. Use the links below to navigate through different sections:

Testnet Server

Testnet Instructions

Instructions on creating a test wallet and receiving test tokens for transactions on the Cryptool Testnet.

User Profile

Create Account

Step-by-step instructions to sign up and get started.

Setup Account

Guide to configuring your profile, security settings, and preferences.

User Subscription

Manage your subscription plan and billing preferences.

User Referral Program

How to earn rewards by referring new users.


Create Groups

Instructions on forming and setting up investment, funding or DAO groups.

Group Info

Overview of group functionality, settings, and management options.

Group News

Steps to share updates and announcements within a group.

Group Members

Guide to adding, removing, and interacting with group participants.

Group Members Roles

How to define and manage different roles within a group.

Group Members Tiers

Explanation of membership tier levels.

Group Preferences

Configure privacy, anonymity, and user access settings for your group.

Use these guides to effectively manage your account and investment groups!